All seminars and lectures from mainstage and sessions will be available to watch afterwards until 7 February. After that date, a selection of the material will be subtitled on the same website.
See recorded seminars on the Sweden innovation days website
The challenges we face in today's society are both complex and everyday, both global and local. Whether they are about poverty, climate change or health inequalities, individual, private, or sector-specific efforts are not enough. Changes are required at the system level. If we are to achieve a sustainable future in time, we must think and cooperate in new ways. A mission-oriented approach, where different actors work in the same direction towards common, co-created goals, can create the conditions for systemic change, and help lead the way.
A mission-oriented approach aims to achieve such systems change through participation and demonstration. Actors from different sectors, industries and disciplines work together to design inspiring and ambitious goal addressing a grand challenge, a ‘north star’ that multiple projects and activities can coalesce around. The goal must be meaningful for society and politics, and is often grounded in the systems of everyday life that surround us. This helps make it tangible, relevant and testable, through prototypes and demonstrators.
In connection with Sweden Innovation Days - Vinnova's annual international event, the publication "Mission-oriented innovation in Sweden - a practice guide by Vinnova" is launched. During the seminar, Dan Hill will talk about Vinnova's work exploring how mission-oriented innovation can work on the ground, via real projects in Sweden that are set up to shift whole systems, as well as discussing broader insights for innovation, policymaking and governance.